Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Study: Southern Europe Leads in Internet Video and TV Streaming, Peer-to-Peer Services

Italy and Spain are forging ahead of the US and other European countries in adoption of online and web TV services, according to "Internet TV : Southern Europe Leads The Way," from the Strategy Analytics Digital Media Strategies service. The Strategy Analytics survey of 3500 Internet users found that 22% of Spanish respondents are regular users of streamed video from broadcaster websites, compared to 18% in the US and only 8% in Germany. This report estimates that 32 million people in the US and 34 million in Europe are now regular users of video streaming from broadcast network websites.

Streamsoft founder ,Michael Iron, the mind behind the idea of a revolutionary P2P File Share Software is ready to launch Streamsoft player soon.
Read more about the research here:

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