Sunday, August 17, 2008

Michel Iron, CEO of Streamsoft: we are busy preparing our launch of the Streamsoft player

Streamsoft CEO, Michel Iron gave an interview to Israel on Blog. He said:

We are busy preparing our launch of the Streamsoft player. It’s an exciting time for us. The online video space is very hot and so is the P2P landscape and we believed we will have a major impact on both.

More updates about the Streamsoft player soon

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Study: Southern Europe Leads in Internet Video and TV Streaming, Peer-to-Peer Services

Italy and Spain are forging ahead of the US and other European countries in adoption of online and web TV services, according to "Internet TV : Southern Europe Leads The Way," from the Strategy Analytics Digital Media Strategies service. The Strategy Analytics survey of 3500 Internet users found that 22% of Spanish respondents are regular users of streamed video from broadcaster websites, compared to 18% in the US and only 8% in Germany. This report estimates that 32 million people in the US and 34 million in Europe are now regular users of video streaming from broadcast network websites.

Streamsoft founder ,Michael Iron, the mind behind the idea of a revolutionary P2P File Share Software is ready to launch Streamsoft player soon.
Read more about the research here:

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

P2P not hurting DVD sales

The vision of Michael Iron, the man behind the Streamsoft player is to make it one of the popular P2P softwares in the next years.

According to data collected by Home Media Magazine, consumers may be tightening their belts, but that reduction apparently hasn't affected DVD sales just yet. In fact, spending on DVDs and Blu-ray discs during the first half of 2008 showed a slight increase over the same period a year ago, this is despite P2P traffic recently shifting its focus from music to movies and soaring Bit Torrent traffic.
Read more at :

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Study: 80 Percent of P2P Users Would Pay For It

A survey of British youths has determined that four out of every five of those who share copyrighted music without permission would be willing to pay to use similar services that compensate copyright holders.
The study (.pdf), conducted by British Music Rights and researchers at The University of Hertfordshire, consisted of only 773 people.

Michael Iron, Streamsoft founder, the mind behind the idea of a revolutionary P2P File Share Software is ready to launch Streamsoft player in the next few months.

Read more here:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

P2P video traffic is growing

Michael Iron, Streamsoft founder, has a vision of video P2P service that will be shown to the world in the next few months.

according to the latest analysis of traffic by broadband equipment vendor Sandvine, Peer-to-peer (P2P) traffic is still growing and remains the largest single bandwidth consumer.

The analysis shows P2P traffic is 35.6% of all downstream traffic and a whopping 75% of upstream traffic, and most of that includes video. Web browsing accounts for 31.6% of traffic and streaming video and audio accounts for 17.9% of traffic.

Read more at:

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A rapid acceleration in demand for video over braodband, and now HTTP streaming traffic is superseding P2P video

The results of a new survey which has been conducted by the Ericsson company to look into the usage of on-demand TV and Internet video by adults within the U.K. has just been releasedThe results showed that 57% of UK residents watch around 10 hours of either on-demand TV or pre-recorded TV.The research found that service providers have noted a rapid acceleration in demand for video over braodband, and now HTTP streaming traffic is superseding P2P video content downloads.The vision of Michael Iron, Streamsoft founder is to upgrade the experience of watching and broadcasting P2P video with Streamsoft player.Read more about the research here:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How To Promote Your TV Show on P2P Networks

Janko Roettgers from wrote an interesting article about how To Promote Your TV Show on P2P Networks. Some of his recommendations are: Utilize file-sharing blogs, and go with the big guys (Pirate Bay, Isohunt and Mininova). The vision of Michael Iron, the founder of Streamsoft, is to make the Streamsoft player the new big guy in the p2p video Scene. Read Janko Roettgers article:

Spike's new move with Limewire

Here, at Streamsoft, we always like to hear about innovative P2P moves. Michael Iron, the founder of Streamsoft , entered the P2P video field because of its constant innovations and progress. The Viacom-owned cable network Spike seems to be going one important step beyond its peers in its efforts to build an audience. Not only is it making the first episode of the new series "Factory" available in advance on its website and through downloadable video stores, it's also trying to spread it through Limewire and other file-sharing networks. Without DRM, or seemingly any form of copy protection.

Read the entire article in The Los Angeles Times: