Wednesday, July 16, 2008

P2P not hurting DVD sales

The vision of Michael Iron, the man behind the Streamsoft player is to make it one of the popular P2P softwares in the next years.

According to data collected by Home Media Magazine, consumers may be tightening their belts, but that reduction apparently hasn't affected DVD sales just yet. In fact, spending on DVDs and Blu-ray discs during the first half of 2008 showed a slight increase over the same period a year ago, this is despite P2P traffic recently shifting its focus from music to movies and soaring Bit Torrent traffic.
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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Study: 80 Percent of P2P Users Would Pay For It

A survey of British youths has determined that four out of every five of those who share copyrighted music without permission would be willing to pay to use similar services that compensate copyright holders.
The study (.pdf), conducted by British Music Rights and researchers at The University of Hertfordshire, consisted of only 773 people.

Michael Iron, Streamsoft founder, the mind behind the idea of a revolutionary P2P File Share Software is ready to launch Streamsoft player in the next few months.

Read more here:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

P2P video traffic is growing

Michael Iron, Streamsoft founder, has a vision of video P2P service that will be shown to the world in the next few months.

according to the latest analysis of traffic by broadband equipment vendor Sandvine, Peer-to-peer (P2P) traffic is still growing and remains the largest single bandwidth consumer.

The analysis shows P2P traffic is 35.6% of all downstream traffic and a whopping 75% of upstream traffic, and most of that includes video. Web browsing accounts for 31.6% of traffic and streaming video and audio accounts for 17.9% of traffic.

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